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直播预告|9月14日 GCCR网络研讨会
发布日期:2023-09-13    新闻来源:
核心提示: 2023年9月14日 14:00,GCCR网络研讨会免费参加!
        Janina Seubert,博士,高级研究员,瑞典卡罗林斯卡医学院
        Janina Seubert是斯德哥尔摩卡罗琳斯卡研究所营养神经科学实验室的首席研究员,也是情感神经科学和人类化学补偿方面的专家。拥有慕尼黑LMU神经认知心理学硕士学位和亚琛工业大学RWTH临床神经科学博士学位(2010年)。在宾夕法尼亚大学和莫奈化学感官中心的博士后培训期间(2010-2014年),Janina开始专注于理解食物消费的感知体验及其与情绪、动机和记忆的互动。在心理物理学、生物生理学和功能神经成像方法的帮助下,她的研究小组揭示了健康和饮食失调,以及代谢对风味感知的影响,她的工作旨在研发新的食物感知偏差耐受的调节剂,使饮食过程更加愉悦、科学。
        2、Personal introduction
        Janina Seubert, PhD, Docent, Senior Researcher, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden 
        Topic:Modulators of deviation tolerance in food perception
        Janina Seubert is the Principal Investigator of the Nutritional Neuroscience Laboratory at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, and an expert in affective neuroscience and human chemosensation. She has an MSc degree in Neuro-Cognitive Psychology from LMU Munich and a PhD (2010) in Clinical Neuroscience from RWTH Aachen University. During her postdoctoral training (2010-2014) at the University of Pennsylvania and at the Monell Chemical Senses Center, Janina started focusing on understanding the perceptual experiences of food consumption and their interactions with emotion, motivation and memory. With the help of psychophysical, biophysiological and functional neuroimaging approaches, her research group studies contextual and metabolic influences on flavor perception in healthy and dysregulated eating. Her work aims to inspire novel interventions to facilitate dietary changes over the life course.
        Parvin Parvaneh 博士,荷兰瓦赫宁根大学研究院
        2、Personal introduction
        Dr. Parvin Parvaneh,Wageningen University& Research, Netherlands
        Topic: Spice It Up with Tech: Technological Solutions to Enhance the Dining Experience 
        I'm Parvaneh Parvin, and I'm passionate about harnessing the power of digital technologies to make the world a better place. With a Ph.D. in Just-in-time health feedback recommendation systems from the University of Pisa, I've delved into the exciting realm of Human-Computer Interaction and digital health technologies.
        My journey continues as a postdoc researcher at the Division of Health and Nutrition at Wageningen University & Research, in the group of Sensory Science and Eating Behavior, where I wholeheartedly pursue projects that resonate with my passions. At the heart of my work lies the development of Food recommendation systems tailored for individuals with smell loss. It's not merely research; it's an unwavering commitment to enriching lives.
        In this role, I lead transformative initiatives that utilize the power of voice assistants like Alexa to enhance children's engagement in smell training, decode complex taste puzzles through modeling approaches, and unveil the intricate sensory profiles of individuals with smell loss. These projects embody my belief in the boundless potential of technology to redefine how we interact with our senses and savor the world around us. I'm always eager to explore new ways to make a meaningful impact, and I look forward to shaping a brighter future for everyone.

        9月14日,GCCR网络研讨会邀请到来自瑞典卡罗林斯卡医学院和荷兰瓦赫宁根大学的年轻学者做线上学术报告。9月21日,SEPA 第八期感官评价实践交流沙龙在中国·山东·济南线下邀请食品行业感官专家进行相关经验分享交流,同步线上直播。
        2023年9月14日 14:00 北京时间(线上)
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