Alpha MOS: 2020年欧洲最佳感官分析解决方案奖
2020-11-20 13:55  浏览:176
        Alpha MOS: 2020年欧洲最佳感官分析解决方案奖
        Alpha MOS 公司是全球第一个将电子鼻推向市场的公司。这家法国公司为全世界的工业和客户们开发感官分析工具。提供嗅觉,味觉和视觉的分析技术来控制产品的感官质量。目前,在世界各地的食品,饮料和包装行业里已经安装了超过1000台Alpha  MOS 公司的仪器(不包含环境领域)。
        这是一家总部位于法国的跨国企业,在中国和美国设有子公司,并在世界各地设有分销商。在过去的27年里,Alpha MOS 一直是这一领域的领先的创新者,并拥有多项专利。该公司以科学为导向,对科研大量投入资本来创造满足市场需要的产品,为未来的发展提供动力。Alpha MOS 在2019年投入了300万欧元的研发资金,并在2020年保留了相同的财务预算。
        现在这家公司将注意力转向集成新一代气体微型传感器,这将扩大其市场范围,囊括更多的通用型应用。Alpha MOS 团队在全球有50多名成员,其中有四分之一的员工致力于科研。所有的新员工都要经过一个全面的入职流程,包括6个月的培训,以确保完全融入公司。
        CFI.co的评审小组向这个不寻常的商业模式背后的聪明才智致敬,并宣布Alpha MOS 获得2020年欧洲最佳感官分析解决方案奖。
        Alpha MOS Claims the distinction of being the first company to bring “electronic noses" to the market. The French firm develops sensory analysis tools for industrial and customer clients worldwide, providing smell-, taste-, and visual-assessment technology to control the sensory qualities of products. More than 1,000 Alpha MOS instruments have been installed in food, beverage and packaging industries around the world. The French company has established a global network, with offices in the US and China and distributors worldwide. Over the past 27 years, Alpha MOS has solidified its status as an innovator in this niche area, with a number of patents under its belt. The science-driven operation fuels future developments with strong investment to create products that will fulfil unmet market needs .Alpha MOS put €3m into R&D in 2019,and has set aside that same financial commitment in its 2020 budget . the specialist outfit is now turning its attention to the integration of a new generation of gas micro-sensors, which would expand its market scope to include more general-use applications. The Alpha MOS team has 50 members around the world, with a quarter of the staff in the science department. All new employees undergo a comprehensive onboarding process,including a six-month training program,to ensure a perfect fit within the organization. The CFI.co judging panel salutes the bright minds behind this unusual business model, and declares Alpha MOS winner of the 2020 award for Best Sensory Analysis Solutions (Europe). 